D Day -11

'i wish this time next year, g > b'
Inspired by stories of this magical moment, the 'promotion campaign' of the zotggi came to life. With new found confidence, many of the zotggi strived hard at their own particular secret missions, and for awhile, everything looked good.
Slowly but surely the results began to show. One by one, the tricksiest of the zotggi joined the prestigious and glamourous ranks of the zotggi.

Seah and Dennis promotes

Jiarming and Weikin too

and so does Auch (unable to get saggf pic cuz his been missing since)
But for things for our hero, the most zotggi of zotggi, remained relatively unchanged. Yet our hero remained calm even as all around him, his friends started to join the elusive ranks of the saggf, convinced that virtue was its own reward, and that, his time would too, eventually come.
Indeed, things seemed so.

Guess who's a hit with the girls?
But alas, our hero soon realized that the musketeers and saggf are mutually exclusive.

look at that bright smile! musketeers > saggf?
Our hero considered receeding his wish. He knows the zotggi achieves universal saggf, it would mean the end of any more all boy's night out. The world would develop into the dark ages of the nahzers and the missing. He also knows that any form of musketeer resistance will be crushed by a multitude of 'nahz'.
Yet our hero also knows that should he take back his wish, the zotggi will from henceforth remain in a sad world where the closest thing that they will ever experience to true happiness is the sensation of sitting on a swing.

Kerk experiences zotggi true happiness
Our hero thus retreated into a dilema. Should he carry on with his wish and risk all his friends going missing and turning into nahzers, or should he take it back and condemn the zotggi from henceforth to a bitter fate.
It's D Day -11.