goodbye the man.

P.S: Conc. not on DoTA but ur studies pls =)
Take care JY,
Seeya soon~
a group of friends, the best of friends, forever and always.
stay connected with M: az is everywhere
then we shopped n 3 of us kena AMBUSH MAKEOVER... check out their funky new look..
so in! so hip!
L-R: friend of goh, goh, friend from middle earth
queuing up to enter club saggf
then we shopped again... before.. it was time.. for...
SAGGF pt 2
i couldn't finish my rice
Probably the best beer in the world
Editor's note: it would haf been.. till it sponsored that team =)
Bon Appetit~
so u see... going JB is and good food at cheap cheap prices... SHIOK
by the way, here are some fotos of our action at the cage
our favourite pregnant lady impersonator....
foong is shack (front)
foong is shack (back) (what's brandon staring at)
wah damn shag. i came home and slept all the way... haha anyway, chalet was really big with lots of stuff... bbq was unruly as usual... ahah but it was fun. 2nd nite too shag to do anything liao. we are getting old! oh not to forget our HARDOGAY character! =)
some memorable quotes:
john: where's yd!? he in the next room? got space meh?! x 4
yd: and den... FUU~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
az: boys vs bird park girl? sorry boyz =(
some fotos,
beer bastards galore with special appearance from lady in the water!
hands down winner of /s most natural pic 2006
brand's birthday cake + HOOOOOOOO~~~
yep. look who's a hit with the girls =P stop hiding behind the beer can!
this looks familiar. =X
More from sEah and Ky.