Friday, June 03, 2005

From cultured winger to playmaker/dogfighter?

"I believe with my physique and aggressiveness, i will be a prominent ball-winner for team /S!" Posted by Hello

Yes folks, it is true. Our cultured winger has requested to be deployed in the centre of the park where he can exert a greater influence on the team. But will his request be a boon or a bane for team /S?

Our resident football analyst Toeharee Paijand agrees: 'Yes, yes and yes. I totally agree with his plea. Lester Chng would fit comfortably into the central midfield of any team in the world. With his size and aggression, he would scare the living daylights out of any potential matchwinners.'

Mr. Paijand remembers vividly Lester's last game for team /S before he went on his training stint in Western Australia: 'There was this technically gifted indian fella by the name of Saha, but his confidence was reduced to shreds when Lester taunted him by saying, "TOO SLOW SAHA, TOO SLOW!!!"...Then there was this rising star who outran Chng only to the warcry of "I'M GONNA BREAK YOUR LEGS!" This not only slowed the starlet down but took away all his self-belief. As if all that wasn't enough, Chng grabbed another starlet and wrestled him to the ground (2 rolls was it?) to the amazement of his team-mates. As you can see, the agression in this fella can take Team /S to greater heights, making him an ideal dogfighter in the mould of Roy Keane and Gennaro Gattuso.

'I'm not finished with Chng yet. Lester could be the missing piece in Team /S's jigsaw. His acceleration is unrivalled and this could be vital in Team /S's counter-attacks. This is why I believe that he adds an extra dimension to the engine room of Team /S where he can also serve as playmaker.'

However, football legend Muthusamy Best aka Samy Best begs to differ. Best was well known for his goreng pisang corner kicks in the 1970s. Said Best: 'Lester playing in the middle? Stop kidding me lah. I don't think that fella can last 30 minutes playing there. And I'm not even questioning his stamina. Did you catch his game in Australia? He got sent off within 10 minutes! Jialat sial. He could start a fight if he was all alone in a room! What's that acceleration that you're talking about? All that wining and dining in Australia can only slow him down. Throw him to the wings, I say. That's where he made his name and that's where he belongs.'

There you have it, the expert analysis of two footballing geniuses. So will he or won't he be placed in the middle? Stay tuned to find out...

Characters mentioned in this article are purely fictional. Any resemblance to any person living or dead is purely coincidental. T_T


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